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Suicide rates around the globe are at an all time high. 使有自杀倾向的人 at risk of death by suicide includes but are not limited to mental health issues, 环境压力和过去的问题. "P患有严重精神疾病的人是 12倍 more likely to die by suicide than others, suicide is not limited to those who suffer 从双相情感障碍或精神分裂症”(EDUMED). 共同的挑战也可以 increase suicidal thoughts include burnout, chronic stress, compassion fatigue, depression, 睡眠障碍和药物滥用.

To learn more about suicide prevention and destigmatizing this issue, visit the Suicide 和EDUMED的预防指南 在这里.



Suicide is a leading cause of death in the United States, making suicide prevention resources some of the most valuable and impactful interventions available. 后 is our comprehensive list of suicide prevention resources and strategies meant to 支持那些受影响的人,防止自杀.



When a person who is contemplating or their intention is to die by suicide, they may 显示几个警告信号. Although not everyone has clear warning signs, t在这里 might still be something that seems off about them. 通常情况下,警告标志可以 可分为以下三类.


点击这里学习 什么是精神健康紧急情况.






      Socorro, NM 87801

      (575) 835-8991


    Socorro, NM 87801

    (575) 835-8761


     Socorro, NM 87801

    (575) 838-0061


     Socorro, NM 87801

     (575) 838-4690


     Socorro, NM 87801

     (575) 835-2444



育儿 a child with emotional, mental, and/or behavioral health concerns can be tough. A struggling child can actually disrupt the whole family. 这就是新墨西哥危机的原因 and Access Line has put some resources together just for you!

"家庭和父母同伴支持ers offer other parents and caregivers with children experiencing challenges and/or disabilities: assistance, a listening ear, hints on how to navigate the complex system of care, an advocate, and practical tools and information from the lens of someone that has also been t在这里 and found ways to help their children 茁壮成长."

家庭和父母同伴支持can assist parents and caregivers with coping tools, improving school encounters, engaging individualized education plans (IEPs), advocating during medical and mental health appointments, and navigating court ordered programs to work more effectively.


总有人在这里听你倾诉. 无论发生什么,你都不会孤单 你正在经历. Call the NM 点对点Warmline now for help today!







只有 50-75% of people display clear warning signs of suicidal thoughts or decisions before they 夺走他们的生命.

Myth: Someone who is suicidal will always be suicidal.

关于 54% of those who die by suicide don’t have any diagnosable mental health disorder.

Myth: Someone who dies by suicide had severe mental 疾病.

Suicidal thoughts are often short-term and specific to a particular situation, such as a divorce, breakup, legal trouble, financial issues, a death in the family, a severe 疾病, trauma or abuse, or the loss of a home and not indicative of a severe mental 疾病.

Myth: People who are suicidal really do want to die.

那些有自杀念头的人 并不是真的想死; rather, they don’t want to continue living their life as it is. 这就是为什么要说 关于它会很有帮助.

Myth: When someone gets better, their risk of suicide goes down.

对许多人来说,这是几天或几周 治疗后 这可能是最危险的. It’s very important to ensure a person has a strong 支持系统,即使他们看起来“很好”.”

To learn more about suicide prevention and destigmatizing this issue, visit the Suicide 和EDUMED的预防指南 在这里.



新墨西哥危机和访问热线 | www.nmcrisisline.com

危机和访问热线 | 1-855-662-7474

点对点Warmline | 1-855-4NM-7100 | 1-855-466-7100

Healthcare Worker and First Responder Support Line | 1-855-507-5509

NM五行动计划 nm5actions.com



