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Information for Faculty and 工作人员

Welcome Faculty and 工作人员!


下面是一些一般的资源和信息,可以帮助您管理所有这些 you do, with making referrals and self-care. We appreciate all the support you provide! 

 New Mexico Tech's Employee Assistance Program





De-Stress at Work:



10 Ways to Be Mindful at Work





BIT Referrals:

如果您对NMT学生或NMT社区成员有一定的关注,我们 鼓励您向NMT行为干预小组(BIT小组)提交报告.  

向北京理工学院报告,确保了一个多学科团队将调查此事 并为学生或NMT社区成员提供最适当的支持.  

Behavioral Intervention Team Reporting Form   


Emergency Referrals: 

When a student is in imminent danger of hurting self or others, contact Campus Police im媒体tely at 575-835-5555 or ext. 5555.



如果定期发生心理健康危机 NMT business hours (Mon-Fri. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.) call the Counseling Center at ext. 6619. 说明你需要危机支持,并描述你需要的情况 has lead to your concern. 咨询中心会给你适当的建议 采取行动,以最有效地帮助学生.

Crisis Protocol




Common Warning Signs of Student Distress

Additional Resources:


A Starter Guide on what it means to be an Ally


How Graditude Changes You and Your Brain

Self-Care Assessment Worksheet 


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