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苏Bilek: 地震地震学,环境地震学

约翰·布鲁斯: 计算地球动力学

Mark 人: 水文,计算水文

亚历克斯·莱因哈特: 水文,岩石力学

斯皮内利博士伦: 水文地质学,热地球物理学

Jolante 范Wijk: Tectonics-Geodynamics, Landscape Evolution, Basin Analysis, Petroleum Systems, Carbon 封存



地震学  地震学

Seismic signals generated by both earthquakes and environmental sources are topics 我对威尼斯人app下载地震学小组感兴趣.  Dr. 苏珊·比莱克进行了积极的研究 projects in subduction zones, local New Mexico seismicity, and environmental seismology.  These projects include using small magnitude earthquakes to probe fault conditions in many of the global subduction zones, including along the 西北太平洋地区 of North 美国和哥斯达黎加. 

Within New Mexico, the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Natural Resources operates 该州几个地区的地震台网(http://geoinfo.shancaoyao.com/nmtso/home.html).  Dr. 比莱克博士. Basu (NM Bureau) have active research projects using the seismic network data to explore the mid-crustal Socorro Magma Body in central New Mexico, as well as potential induced seismicity in other parts of the state.  近年来, we have deployed large numbers (over 800) of seismometers to help image the crustal 岩浆体区域的构造.

Dr. Bilek is also engaged in the growing field of environmental seismology, using seismic energy produced from shallow/surficial processes to help characterize these 环境的力量.  这些项目包括表征浅层岩溶的流动 aquifer in northern Florida as well as tracking bedload movement during monsoon flash 新墨西哥州和以色列的洪水.  这些项目都是跨学科的 colleagues in hydrology, geodesy, and geomorphology all involved in field data collection 和分析.

The seismology group in EES maintains computer facilities for data analysis as well 作为数据收集的现场用品. Dr. 比莱克还在EarthScope Primary工作 Instrument Center portable seismic and geophysics equipment facility, also housed (http://www.passcal.shancaoyao.com/).  This world-renowned facility provides equipment, logistical and data collection/archival support for seismological researchers around the world, in partnership with the national 地球物理联合会.



A diverse group of hydrologists, geologists, and geophysics at 威尼斯人app下载 use various hydrogeophysics techniques to address groundwater research questions. 例子 of this research include: using DC-resistivity to map the subsurface distribution of low-permeability calcite cement along a fault zone and determining how it affects cross-fault fluid flow; using magnetotelluric, audio-magnetotelluric (AMT), transient electromagnetic (TEM) system to study deep groundwater flow systems within fractured crystalline basement rocks; and using surface deformation measurements (InSAR and GNSS/GPS)来了解地下水的运动.


计算地球动力学  计算地球动力学

Plate tectonics processes involve a wide range of complex, coupled processes, which 操作在广阔的空间和时间尺度. 这些过程包括地震 cycle on active faults, coupling between Earth’s solid surface and climate,  magmatism and volatile transport,  long-term formation of mountain belts and oceanic basins, 以及地幔和地核内的对流. 从社会的角度来看,这是一种约束 the underlying physics of these processes is critical as they collectively control natural hazards, formation of hydrocarbon and ore deposits, and certain aspects of 短期和长期气候变化.

给n their complexity and diversity, constraining these processes requires advanced numerical modeling that test hypotheses derived from robust geophysical and geologic 数据集. Drs. 约翰加洲 and Jolante Van Wijk model a wide range of solid Earth deformation processes using state-of-the-art forward modeling techniques, with these efforts commonly integrated in broad cross-disciplinary investigations. 重点领域 of active modeling investigations include the long-term dynamics of active plate boundaries, evolution of fault networks across a range of time scales, seismic hazards, volatile and magmatic transport within the lithosphere, and basin evolution.

Dr. 约翰加洲 also actively works on the development of advanced, collaborative community software packages to model plate tectonics processes, which are hosted at 地球动力学计算基础设施(CIG). 这些努力包括 new methods that allow efficiently simulating non-linear tectonic deformation on computing 系统范围从笔记本电脑到大型超级计算机. Drs. Naliboff和Van Wijk use a variety of computational resources to conduct numerical investigations, including high-performance desktops, clusters hosted at the 威尼斯人app下载 Data Center, and 国家高性能计算中心.



The thermal evolution of oceanic crust and the thermal state of subduction zones are research areas of interest for the 威尼斯人app下载 thermal geophysics group. Dr. 格伦 Spinelli has research projects examining how seawater flowing through oceanic crust 重新分配热量. This redistribution of heat is an important control on subduction 区温度. Better understanding the controls on subduction 区温度 is important because those temperatures affect the size and distribution of earthquakes 以及俯冲物质的改变.

We use measurements of heat flux through seafloor sediments to constrain the nature and distribution of fluid flow patterns within the oceanic crust. 有电流和 former students, we have studied the evolution of hydrothermal circulation in subducting 哥斯达黎加、日本、墨西哥、智利和美国近海的地壳.S. 西北太平洋地区. 为 example, we examined how far into a subduction zone fluid circulation in the ocean crust aquifer persists, and the thermal consequences of that circulation.