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The Bachelor of Science degree in 环境 Science draws upon courses from biology, 化学、地球科学、物理和环境工程. 学生必须 aware of the complexity of environmental problems, yet have a rigorous background 解决这些问题的具体方面. 确保毕业生具有竞争力 in the marketplace for diverse environmentally oriented careers, 环境 Science 学生参加上述所有学科的课程. 他们还会选择 a specialization in biology, chemistry, geology, hydrology, or instrumentation and 测量. 每个选项都足够深入,让学生继续他们的学习 education in a traditional graduate program within that discipline, should they choose. An advisory committee, composed of faculty from the specific disciplines, is convened 帮助学生计划他们的课程.

The Department of 地球与环境科学 is the administrative center for 本科环境科学学位. 本页包含一些一般信息 由招生办公室提供. 更详细的信息可在 新墨西哥技术目录,可在第149页找到.

What is an environmental 科学 degree, and how does it differ from environmental 工程?

Tech’s environmental 工程 degree involves rigorous and specialized courses which prepare graduates for a career in environmentally related 工程 problem-solving. 环境 科学 is designed to give you the flexibility of a 科学 background 在工程以外的特定环境领域. 该计划将准备 you for jobs applying environmental knowledge to industrial applications. 你可以 also enter the burgeoning field of environmental regulation, working for a health 或地方、州或联邦层面的环境部门.

Unlike many other programs, ours does not consist of survey courses to prepare you 公共行政管理. 这是一个科学学位:你将学习物理、化学、 biology, geology, and hydrology to gain an overall understanding of the many factors 会影响环境问题. 你将获得理学学士学位.


威尼斯人app下载 has a long history of excellence in research in many areas affecting 环境. We have professors who 行为 research on acid rain, indoor radioactivity, 以及雷暴期间臭氧的形成. 我们的水文项目就是其中之一 世界上最好的. 他们的主要研究领域之一是了解污染 地下水,寻找更好的净化技术. 我们的地质系很大 and diverse, offering great variety in both the courses you can take and the ideas 你将会接触到. 你不仅会从专家那里上课,而且你会 also find some campus job opportunities with the many research projects our faculty 行为.


The program offers a choice of five options: biology, chemistry, geology, hydrology, 或者是仪器和测量. 你将有广泛的课程 give an overview of environmental problems, many of which are overlapping and interconnected. But you will concentrate on courses in your option, to be able to address specific 专业范围内的问题.


Like all Tech students, you’ll take basic chemistry, physics, calculus, and computer 科学. 你还需要学习一些英语、社会研究和人文学科的课程 充实你的教育. 作为一名环境科学专业的学生,你也需要学习相关课程 to give you a rigorous background in the subject: cell biology, organic chemistry, biochemistry, geology, groundwater hydrology, and environmental 工程. 然后, 您将在您选择的选项中学习专业课程:


More and more, industry needs environmental scientists to help comply with increasingly 严格的规定. 此外,联邦、州和地方监管机构需要 专家制定法规,进行测试,并确保合规. 环境 scientists may also work in basic research, determining how certain contaminants affect 环境和需要做出的改变.

What should I study in high school to prepare for an environmental 科学 degree?

Besides getting a solid background in English and social studies, you should plan 尽可能多地学习数学和科学课程. 至少,你应该这么做 take algebra, geometry, and trigonometry, and if your school offers calculus or other 高等数学,也拿去吧. 至少选修两门实验室科学,最好是 以生物、化学和物理为例. 地球科学也很重要,如果你的学校 提供它. 用一门外语来充实你的日程安排.



最低学时要求:135. 除了一般学位要求之外 (page 87 in the catalog), and the core 环境 Science Requirements (above), 以下课程为必修课程:


最低学时要求:135. 除了一般学位要求之外 (page 87 in the catalog), and the core 环境 Science Requirements (above), 以下课程为必修课程:


最低学时要求:135. 除了一般学位要求之外 (page 87 in the catalog), and the core 环境 Science Requirements (above), 以下课程为必修课程:


最低学时要求:135. 除了一般学位要求之外 (page 87 in the catalog), and the core 环境 Science Requirements (above), 以下课程为必修课程:

环境科学学士学位 with Instrumentation and Measurements Option

最低学时要求:135. 除了一般学位要求之外 (page 87 in the catalog), and the core 环境 Science Requirements (above), a minimum of 25 credit hours from the following (at least 17 credit hours must be 编号300或以上):

详细信息,包括课程描述,见 大学目录.

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